The Way of Colour

By Beachcomber149

Worse for wear

It rained rainy rain all morning. Not yesterday's smir, but bigger drops and plenty of them. I spent some time in the garage this morning and got my courgette plants (raised from seed) potted up into big pots and into their final positions outside one side of the greenhouse and sheltered from most wind. Around lunchtime the rain went off and things brightened a bit and started to dry up. Maeve the Deerhound and I set off for our walk about our usual time, but decided not to go down the bridle path today as the grass is very long at the moment and no use getting Maeve soaked after waiting for the rain to go off!

Down at the beach we thought we would go back to the boat we were looking at the other day and see if it might provide some more interest. The shot I have posted is from near the top of the hull, and it is definitely showing signs of being very much the worse for wear. Some of the fibreglass is clearly visible and exposed. The boats at this part of the back of the beach haven't moved at all and I am beginning to wonder if they ever will.

More shots from today.

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