
By hallucination30

Mop bucket drum

A loud morning as you can see from the pic! I had a few to choose from today but I like this pic as they're both in it, looking at each other and playing together relatively nicely :)
Sammy was such a wonderment and a terror today in equal measure. He opened doors for people, he took used plates and cups up to the cafe counter we were in, he held his sisters hand the whole walk to and from the shops and more but he also threw huge tantrums, walked barefoot down the street after deciding he didn't like any footwear I had to offer and pushed his sister face first over... The turmoil of being two!
Grant had a team away day with his new job and loved it and liked the people, good start! He starts officially on Monday :)
First time I attended my house group tonight, loved it! What a fab bunch they are.

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