With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

It's in the cake mix

Hey d.j.!

After being locked outside on the terrace with the dog this morning, in my pyjamas, by a freaky gust of wind and coinciding slipping of the door handle, I had to break a big window. Never mind. The alternative was to be stuck there until 6pm when all the guests arrived for Agu's 11th birthday. So they did have sandwiches and cake, pimped up with some pro cupcakes from T. It got a bit noisy, but nothing broken, only a few hearts as lovely Andrej has been catching up with his old class mates too. We had a full house from the Risco tribe and Ruby has Scooby fabulously trained with "paw" now.

My little Spanish baby with his big brown eyes, oh how we melt....

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