Showroom dummies

We had a plan and that plan was to get out of the cottage, enjoy some fresh air and then go for a cup of tea and maybe a cake. To lend a little purpose to the plan and to make use of the swirling breeze, we decided to take the kite down to the cricket pitch at Devil's Bridge and give it an airing.

So we wrapped up warm, retrieved the kite from the boot of the car, walked down the lane, climbed through the gap in the wall and thence onto the pitch. We started to assemble the kite only to realise that there was a rod missing. To be honest, I don't think anyone was that disappointed; the wind had rendered matters far chillier than anticipated.

Thus, we retraced our footsteps, except that instead of returning to the cottage we took a sharp left at Jingling Lane and went through to the market square, where we chose to have our tea at The Crossing Point. Dan and Abi were sat in a window seat, so I couldn't resist nipping outside to take this shot. But by the time I got outside, they were already pretending to be mannequins.

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