
The elegiac quality of this composition presents a conundrum. Have the occupants left the chairs or are they about to arrive? The dovecot represents plenty but the shorn pampas grass confounds that ideal with a view of desolation and the fruit cage in the background reminds us that whilst on the face of it we are free, there are constraints not far away.

Nah - total rubbish

It was too hot to sit in the sun for our afternoon cup of tea so we put the chairs in the shade.
Loads of work done, new supports for the raspberry canes, repairs to the fruit cage, erection of the bean poles, weeding and pruning, and a session with the Karcher cleaning the grot off the paving stones.
Finally watered the fruit and veg patch - that should ensure a change in the weather by tomorrow.

But does it get into Mr P's competition?

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