
By SteinJ

They are back!

I'm going basic today, as this is the final day of this visit to Brazil, the weather is dull and time is scarce.

Nevertheless, there is a story behind these sausages in tomato sauce. They represent my favorite breakfast ingredient when I am in Brazil. Last time I was staying in this hotel, the sausages had disappeared from the breakfast table. I complained to the waiter, my good friend, and he introduced me to the chef! They promised to bring back the sausages the next day. Nothing happened! So I kept on complaining every day. Without knowing it, I became the standing joke among the restaurant staff. My Brazilian assistant, had overheard their conversation, and they had given me a new nick name; the Sausage Man!

The sausages are back and everybody is happy! I'm also happy to go home after a great visit to Brazil. I really look forward to seeing Eva, Maria, the boys, the D7000 and fruand to have cereals for breakfast!

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