All Around me are...

Residing in Ayrshire we are very fortunate to have beautifully manicured roundabouts.  I am sort of, of the opinion, that the creation of roundabouts was made to keep a large percentage of the gardening population in work. 

I often think they are under-utilised - they are perfect spots for Picnics.  Getting on to them is the problem though, as they tend to be stuck in the middle of at least 4 really busy roads.   This particular roundabout has views of fields, woodland, hedgerows, villages, the sea, planes coming into land and taking off, and often boaties, sitting at anchor off the bay.   

As you can see, there is a wide range of plants and trees held within it.  I have driven past many times, and spotted rabbits, herons, and buzzards here. 

Sadly however, the all-to-often appearance of a car in the middle of this little island paradise kind of ruins it's appeal.  

Why do people drive so fast? 

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