Rainy Day Macro

There’s been a steady rain all day.  I briefly went outside and cut a flower so I could practice with the macro lens.  As you can tell, I need more practice. The lens is a Tamron 90mm, used with the Nikon to Sony adaptor, so the aperture setting is guesswork. 

The highlight of the day was when the plumber arrived to fix the leaky pipe in the hallway ceiling.  It was a very tiny pinhole leak, and he replaced a section of the copper pipe, but now we need a whole section of the ceiling repaired.  

Sleep is still a real problem and I have spent the last three nights awake until 3:30, 4:30 and 5:00 a.m., respectively.  I seem to be working the wrong way around the clock.  It doesn’t matter how tired I am, I just can’t fall asleep. I am clearly still on Oz time.  Tonight, I am going to medicate and see if I can break this cycle.  My doctor approves. 

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