Turn, turn, turn

When I got back from doing some shopping in the morning, I headed off out again and cycled to the artificial island, where, after waiting a while, the swan did get up very briefly this time to turn some of her eggs. As far as I could see, none had hatched yet.

I really hate all the litter that people thrown into the water at the artificial island! Usually I manage not to have any of it in the photos that I take there, but this time it was impossible to avoid an empty bag of crisps that had become stuck in the swan's nest. I hope that either it will be blown away by the wind at some point, or the swan will remove it herself before any of her eggs will hatch. At least the eyesore of a mattress, which has been lying in the water for the last week, was being removed with a crane while I was there and fortunately with a minimum of disturbance for the swan, who only lifted her head for a few seconds.

Thank you very much for the comments and stars on yesterday's orchid blip!

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