A Meandering Life...

By Skeena

Blue Skies

First of all can I thank everyone for their lovely comments about my Mono Monday entry yesterday. I have had a mad 24hrs and only just sitting down to squeeze this snap in on time. Your comments and awards are much appreciated. 

So far there has been no ill effects on the camera so it should see me through another wet English Summer. 

Today has been glorious in the South East and this image of the local parish church, St Martin of Tours, Chelsfield is a favourite of mine whilst on the dog walk. I'm not a great fan of rapeseed but it goes well with the sky on this occasion. 

The other choice I had were a number of blurry bird photographs. As I walked along the bridlepath I noticed a heron flying from the back gardens and into the field. It was being chased by a crow. Once the heron landed the crow continued to dive-bomb the poor thing until it flew back towards the gardens again. The crow continued to give chase until it returned to the field where the crow this time landed and started to circle the heron until it flew off again. All this happened well beyond the range of my lens and the brambles kept getting in the way.

Earlier I saw a Goldcrest feeding in my conifers. These tiny birds are just smaller than a wren and I've only seen one twice before in my garden over the past 20+ years.

Tomorrow I will be in London so should find something for Wide Angle Wednesday. 

Shed update: They arrived today, just need to make my base on Thursday then I'll get them both built on Friday, fingers crossed. :o))

And finally: Just come back from photo club. It was the very last slide competition that will be run by the club. I entered 6 slides of which I scored 3 x 17/20, 2 x 18/20 and one was given 19/20. My best image, a snap of the Gateway Arch in St Louis was taken in 1979! As were the two I showed of the Grand Canyon. Those of the Rockies in Canada were taken in 1980 & 1981. You could say some images are timeless...

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