By AMK49

New Orleans - post Katrina

Today we had booked to go on a City Tour of New Orleans and that was probably a good decision considering the torrential rain and thunderstorm that lasted a large part of the day.
As usual with these tours we learned a lot from the driver/guide although photography through the tour vehicle window was greatly affected by the rain as can be seen in this blip taken to show a house still scarred by the hurricane floods.
One of the most interesting parts of the tour was a drive through one of the worst affected areas when Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans in 2005 - all these years on many of the houses still show the signs of being under 20 ft of water and a lot have never been re occupied. It is hard to imagine how terrifying it must have been to have the enormous wall of water from Lake Pontchartrain overwhelming the levees and covering a large part of the city much of which is below sea level anyway.

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