
By Instography

One a day

One of those one in the day days so it's just as well that this one was taken since I forgot to pick up the camera when I ambled along to Waverley to book bikes on to the train up to Fort William for the Great Glen and then trains from Inverness back home. All worked out nicely with a slight possibility of having to cycle home from Stirling. 

Other than that it was just beavering away on little bits of work and admin. Home to put in my guitar practice for the day (monitoring that little blister on the left ring finger). 

Weirdly, I just seem to have sent myself an email inviting myself to update my PayPal account. You'd think if I was able to send myself emails I'd address myself with my own name rather than "Dear PayPal User". How silly of me. I'd best go and click that link and submit all my bank and credit card details to that genuine website. 

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