My Long Term Memory

By marinakari

Drama in the sky

...and elsewhere.

I almost burn our house down today. I left to work at 7.20 and accidentally left stove on after I had fried omelet for lunch. My Darling woke up after 8. Then the stove was burning red and kitchen cabinets felt warm.It must have been a matter of minutes. He was there in time to prevent fire to flame!
Even the  thought what could been happen is horrible!

I can't understand how that could happen to me, even though I do things like that(not so dangerous!) all the time. I can be absent-minded now and then, usually if I'm obsessed to something new or feeling tired. 
I sure keep our guardian angels on their toes !

At evening there were some serious drama up in the clouds and as My Parents had recently put the rowing boat back to water after winter, we decided to have a closer look to those  dozens and dozens migrating swans who are resting at Lupinlahti bay. 
So, My Girl rowed the boat to headwind and I was trying to have photographs. The ride was rough due waves and swans were acting alert gathering to cautious flocks which filled whole bay from shore to shore. The noise they made together,  over hundred head flock, is loud. I mean really loud. 

Just got back to car when that rain started. 

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