
You know the day will start badly when you have to phone your doctor first thing to beg for an appointment. 

Well 45 minutes later I still didn't have an appointment. I've to phone tomorrow first thing, and take my chances. Again. Or kidnap the doctor as he gets out of his car to go to work. 

I'd phoned yesterday as well, and was offered an appointment "in a couple of weeks". Tell you what though - these receptionists aren't used to the customers laughing at them.  

Tonight's project will be to figure out if I can get the problem checked in Germany during my next visit by using my EHI card. 

Since I'm wearing my Victor Meldrew hat today (growing into the role nicely, thanks) here's a couple of classic clips. Had me in tears, just like my doctor. Kind of. 


Worry not. The issue I need investigated is only suspected hyperuricemia. I expect to be here tomorrow. Left untreated it can be serious, of course. Think about it...   

Oh, the Blip! Almost forgot. The Margrethe Fighter. A dredger tidying up the channel into Kirkcaldy Harbour. Very windy out there today.

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