BikerBear's Blips

By BikerBear


Couldn't think of a snappy title - so "lupin" it is!!

Quite pretty on large

After yesterday's "in your face" yellow I thought a nice restful shot of the head of a lupin flower in soft purple would be a change (I know, I seem to be on a flower fest this week but the weather is NICE!).

When this is in full flower it will be a deep purple but I like the way the colour seems to be advancing up the length of the flowerhead taking over the soft downy green.

Many thanks to everyone who helped the sunshiny dahlia onto the spotlight page in the early hours of this morning - your comments, stars and hearts are very much appreciated.

NIKON D90 : f/16 : 1/500" : 105mm : ISO 800 : EV -1.0

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