Him & Me

By suzannelouise

Day out for 1 man, woman & their dog

Ian collected Ferguson this morning for one of the very very few periods extended care he has ever experienced.
It was only after I forced the issue following the discovery of his week off work he agreed to have him for 5 continuous days.
My work load was minimal as was Alexander's even less so, so we took the opportunity to skip school & off we drove, picnic packed with Noodle to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park.
It was really lovely day out & I enjoyed myself a lot. Our picnic was yummy (guess who made it.....) & the sun was kind to us. Noodle was fabulously behaved too even in the pub on the way home, she just lay at our feet whilst we pigged out on pies....(well deserved I think, given our 10km walk!)
My photo was going to be a funny moment of Noodle's arse stuck in Alex's face but I though I ought to record culture rather than his head poking around the side of a big mass of black mutt!
So here's Henry Moore instead- the mass subject of my school art years.

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