The one that got away.

I haven't been to the gym since last week, as i have a bad back. I  decided to give it a go  today, but thought it best not to go on the cross trainer. I got talking to Robert, who   does a serious workout, and told him about my back ,and he said to give the Power Plate a go. He showed me what to do, and  switched it on.  What an experience, even my eyeballs  shook ,and you can't speak, as your voice goes all funny. Thank goodness, it was only for a minute.  I will give  it another go next time, but what an experience. When i had finished i came out and turned into Newbridge Fields. I saw this guy  dangling in the River Ogmore. I shouted over to him, can i take your photo, and he said, carry on, so i did. He then said, i would like you to have seen me catch a fish, and i said, i haven't got all day. He laughed and said, you   are right there. I've been here for two hours, and i haven't caught a thing.  Blip sorted i phoned J to  meet me, and came home and we had  lunch. After lunch, we drove down to Aberkenfig ,to the ironmongers where J used to work.  It's much warmer today, thank goodness, with more good weather forecast for the week ahead.

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