La vida de Annie

By Annie


... discovered a passion for mosaic making after he was diagnosed with the onset of Alzheimer's. He says it keeps the disease at bay. Thanks to the facilities at the St. Mary's Complex he can get his therapeutic fix almost every day. I was there today doing the last day of my framing course; everyone was pleased with their completed work, although mine is unfinished as yet because the large print I wanted to frame requires the use of a vacuum press to glue it to a foamboard, and awaits the access to the machine owned by the museums.

The second activity of the day was the weekly Road to Recovery course at Neurosupport, which today featured an interesting and informative talk by one of the neurosurgeons from the Walton Centre. Some of the slides he uses for medical lectures, featuring ruptured aneurysms held together with various bits of ironmongery, did provoke a general air of restless nausea in the room; I'd really rather not know what the old grey matter looks like in too much detail. Call me old-fashioned.

Absolutely exhausted now but a successful day; I managed to do the two things planned.

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