It's a bus in the harbour!
It was a day in the city. After a quick metro and boat trip we arrived at a park with traditional Swedish houses, a zoo etc. Standing in the queue with prams, children etc etc...I decided that pickling my head was preferable. (I hear that pickles are popular in Sweden!) The main reason was that I hate the idea of animals being kept in cages for the amusement of humans. Rather, we headed to see a ship museum where the Vasa, a ship that had sunk in the harbour in 1625, was housed.
On the way, we walked through a pretty park. Of course, R and I didn't stick to the path and we were soon faced by a small muddy hill to descend. Somehow I ended on my arse and got covered in mud! Ha ha ha.... Well it was funny for R anyway! Yay....there was a garden centre thingy with a cafe and bakery in the park! We took a bit of time choosing a cake each, unfortunate as rather than standing in a short queue, it appeared that a bus tour had arrived and we had to wait ages for our soup. It wasn't a bus party though....just the Swedish seem to like to eat lunch bang on 12:00 PM. The cardamom buns were brill though.
We then went to the bakery and tried a whole lot of different bread samples! I chose the one without any samples simply on the basis that it was a lovely chestnut brown colour. Rosemary left looking gleeful. "Nice cake" she said........knowing fine well I hadn't seen the free cake sample and there being no way back to recover a piece!
After a bit of a walk, in which we saw a few amphibian buses, we arrived at the ship museum, a huge building. No wonder! It contained a massive wooden ship, over 60m long and pretty high too (the proportions explained why it didn't get beyond the harbour). It looked like a big pirate ship....with a hull with cherubs, soldiers and suchlike carved into it. Rosemary was delighted that we'd just missed the English speaking film about the ship with the Italian one (with English subtitles) being the alternative. She's becoming quite at the language!
The museum was a brilliant one but I was ready for a bit fresh air and was loosing the will to live by the time we left. Her planning had been meticulous and we soon found ourselves at a veggie restaurant. Whilst, the food was ordinary, I didn't care as I just needed a seat. After our nosebag, we wondered round the old city..... a very lovely place. I was,however, pleased when it was time to go home as I had become slightly exhausted and narky!
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