By the Grace

I don't often resort to photographing a photograph, but I will today.

This picture was taken, I don't know...2004? I think, yes, about 2004. It's one of my favorite photos of two special ladies. We had been working in the hot July sun, and we stopped for a water and picture break.

We learned today that Grace, this little rag-a-muffin in this picture 11 years ago, had been in a car wreck last night. The car in which she was a passenger rolled several times. She escaped with a few scratches. Her friend Madison suffered a broken arm; two others in the car walked away from it all. 

Oh my. We take our lifetimes for granted. A sunny Sunday morning can bring the quiet beauty of a country sky in the spring...or news like this. How lucky we are that she and all of her friends are still with us. 

Second chances. If we're lucky, we get one, or more. 

I wrote a poem about it.

But For the Grace

The mason bees emerged today 
and feasted on pear, apple, and blueberry blossom.
Geese traced north in V's and Ws across a spring sky
flanked by innocent clouds.
Sparrows flitted, then gathered on the roof,
and robins and mourning doves sung.
We watched,
then turned to our Sunday tasks,
so much to do.

But for a moment we saw it all,
but for the Grace of God
we saw it all.
For the Grace of God,
we saw it all. 

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