Market Mayhem

Although this is far from a good pic, it'll be a good memory for me! We went up north to a little hippy market in Sant Joan - such an eclectic bunch of people! Fantastic colours, materials, live spanish guitar and vocals...lots of folk milling about...It was like entering another world! Absolutely wonderful.... Then headed off to a beach for a late lunch in the sunshine....and a paddle in the sea for Asha & Grandmaman. All in all, a very lovely day!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Living on an island where SUCH a variety of people live peacefully side by side.
2) The sun coming out this afternoon - sounds ridiculous, but I've felt bad that the weather's been cold and cloudy!! Ha!
3) The way family really get involved with Asha - all 4 of the grandparents really bother to play with her, talk to her, invest in her etc etc.

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