Not quite so poxy

Wom was quite unsettled in the night, he had had another bottle of milk by 11pm, then another at 1:30am. He then fortunately slept till 4:00 but went back to sleep, waking at 5:30 full of beans.

Munch woke around 6, I went to her and fell asleep in her bed, she got bored if this and went to our room to see daddy and Wom, I woke up an hour later to hear them all downstairs.

Headed off to see the mills family. Munchie loved it. Was a bit of a tinker.

Home. Daddy had sorted lunch.

Munchie and I popped to the blue shop (Boots) to get nursery suncream, there were NO little trolleys. She was not amused. She Even asked the lady were they were.

Home. Headed to the park. Very windy, but good fun.

Munchie did a runner. Through the top gate of the park, through to the bottom gate, along the path and out onto the pavement. Fortunately the car was parked the same side as the park......not run that fast in a long time.







Back to reality tomorrow, lee is going to take Wom to nursery to see what they say as we have no idea if they will take him or not.

Love today's blip!

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