Hairy-footed Flower-bee

Pete was 60 today - how did that happen? We've been together for just over half his life, and thirty years ago were on our first holiday together in Gambia. 

Alex had the second day of his course, so celebrations were relatively low-key. Pete stayed in bed while I took Alex out to Corney's again, and then we spent much of the rest of the morning dismantling the old fence. I nearly didn't manage to take any photos, but quickly snatched this photograph of a female hairy-footed flower-bee Anthophora plumipes which came out better than expected, given that they virtually never stop moving.

Alex's course finished earlier than we expected (he passed the assessment with flying colours!) so we had an impromptu afternoon visit to our local pub, sitting outside in the warm spring sunshine. A whole group of young people were jumping into the river from the nearby jetty, but I suspect that the water was colder than they expected! I wasn't tempted at all...

The day was completed by a rather tasty Persian meal, cooked by Alex, Ben and me. The starter was probably the highlight - king prawns marinaded in rose harissa sauce and then briefly fried, served over a bed of blanched purple sprouting broccoli with a lemon and honey dressing and garnished with toasted almonds, feta cheese and dill. Unusual and very delicious!

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