Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Saturday, April 11, 2015 -- Shine Cafe

The explanation about the Shine Cafe is at the end of my page.

The city-wide garage sale in Morro Bay is today and tomorrow. A very interesting event. Almost everyone displays "stuff" on their driveway or porch to sell. We got some good "stuff" 2 years ago, so I wanted to take a look today.

Oh, it was fun! I think I spent $6.00 and now own two new-to-me pairs of shoes, one long dress, one Hawaiian t-shirt, one pair of summer shorts, one pair of jammie pants, and one "ooo-la-la" tank top to sleep in so Mr. Fun (Tom) can have sweet dreams.

Because I have an older sister, I grew-up wearing hand-me-downs; I still love clothing that arrives with a story. Now I'll add the next few chapters to these shoes and shirts while saving the expense on my bank account (moving me closer to retirement).

You should see the loot Mr. Fun got (he doesn't have a clue how much he spent--I'll guarantee he spent some of my allowance).

We'll go back tomorrow afternoon  for the "reduced" prices. Two years ago when we went back on Sunday afternoon, we got an electric drip coffeemaker for twenty-five cents and we use it every day when we are here on the Central Coast.

When we finished walking through numerous neighborhoods to look at everyone's stuff, we went to the Shine Cafe for lunch. It is a vegan health food restaurant. We have been on a vegan diet since December 4th when Mr. Fun's doctor told him that eliminating all meat and all dairy products from his diet would help increase our chances of enjoying a long healthy retirement. As we stood in line to order, nothing sounded good to me. Then I heard a man behind me tell someone, "the best thing on the menu for a 'newbie' is the tostada bowl." Even though we've eaten at the Shine several times, I decided to order as if I were a newbie. The tostada bowl was delicious and I will be ordering this again.

Good night from
California's Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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