Snow Down Under

By snowy


I am standing behind the cottage, looking N. W..............well, the Met Office predicted snow & warned it was coming on Sunday. For once, they weren't wrong ! If you look in the middle on the snow line, you will pick out the zig zag ski trails on Treble Cone. The lake is very choppy & there is a chill wind blowing up from the Antarctic.

Please, would a Christchurch blipper have room in their car to bring several lots of daffodils for me at Anzac weekend ? On Trade Me I am negotiating with David Bell
at Leeston to buy a few hundred. I have asked a Ch/Ch based Granddaughter if she would drive out next weekend to Leeston & pick them up - & then I have to ask the G. D. to get them to you. Sounds complicated but I'm sure it will work. I will be very appreciative.


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