If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Annandale Water Services.

A strangely mixed day.  First job take Ali to the Cattery then on up to Carlisle to the Crematorium, where we attended the funeral of a neighbour.  After that we went into Carlisle for lunch before heading north to visit Katkatkat (#2 daughter) for a few days.

As usual we broke our journey at Annandale Water Services near Johnstonebridge.  Also fitting in with our habits I walked around looking for a blip.  This is a shot taken from behind and below the services.  In previous years when we have visited this has been a series of waterfalls from a pond at the back of the services down towards Annandalewater itself.

Then on to Katkattkat's where we celebrated our thirty eight wedding anniversary   with sparkling wine before heading out for a meal at the Calley Sample room.  It made a memorable evening for an important day.

I should mention Clickychick who has managed to survive 38 years without resorting to murder despite serious provocation at times.

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