Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Bike rant

Up early to get the train into work so I could ride the bike home. Got to the station early and it turned out to be a good job. The usual thing from Scott Rail. A 3 carriage train and only space to hold 2 bikes. There is no reason why they couldn’t put a bike rack in each carriage, there are always empty seats in each carriage.
Spoke to the people who made the garage door today. They can get someone out if we want but the Garage Door Company were their recommended installers at the time our flat was converted. As a result it should have been them that installed it but the company is going to check it out. Might have to get them to call the manufacture to check what can be done to get the door repaired. Might also get a visit to price up a new door next week when I’m off just in case.

Spent the night tidying the flat for the cleaner and the car for its quarterly clean tomorrow at work. Went to the dive club for a swim. Tried out my Tri race suit in the pool for next weekend’s event. Also wanted to practice the new stroke I had been taught at the end of Mondays Tri swim session.

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