Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Rhine Cruise Day Six

I have to admit defeat - we did not make it to the disco last night, though it sounded like a good time was had. especially by the staff who all joined in enthusiastically. I must say, the staff are absolutely brilliant.

Today we berthed at Mannheim, and bussed to Heidelberg. Another group went to a technology museum in Steyer, where the boat met us again.

There has been a running joke and much hilarity about losing/gaining passengers from the other cruise boat, which is doing the same stops, at about the same time as us. Rumour has it that today two of ours got on the wrong bus... Hehehe!

Talking of which, JR did not turn up at the meeting place at the appointed time. I had gone off to take a photo on the bridge (the wee girl on the bridge was trotting along with the stick between her legs). I knew she wouldn't have a clue how to get back to bus, and so I was very concerned. The tour guide had already told us that if we weren't there then we'd have to get a (expensive) taxi to Speyer... I was so worried all the way back, thinking that I'd have to get off the bus too. But lo and behold, when I got to the bus, there she was, waving cheerily. She'd tagged along with other folk who knew the way...

I visited Heidelberg at the end of an overland trip in the 1970s. We spent the whole day in a beer garden, learning that ' Beir unt Brot macht Wangen rot' which was written in the pub. We did not see anything of the lovely wee town, not yet did we even notice the rather huge castle up in the big hill, which is pretty hard to miss!! So I felt I should make a return visit.

The castle tour was interesting, but full of historical facts - don't ask me to repeat any of them, except that there was a Mary Queen of Scots connection.

Back in town, we happened to catch a vintage car rally starting off, which was brilliant, but I liked the close up of the two ladies best. Another highlight was the most delicious, and large, piece of apple cake and very good coffee in the cafe that the tour guide recommended.

We were then transported to Speyer to meet the boat again, with an interesting commentary on the area by our two excellent guides, one of whom sang us 'Muss i denn' (Wooden Heart - I would do a link here if I could) while the other one dished out chocolates.

An early dinner tonight then off to a palace in Karlsruhe for a concert, apparently, so it's a late night. We have quite early starts too, with full on days, so we'll need a holiday once we get home! The old knees are creaking a bit, but I'm not the only one to find somewhere to sit whenever the tour guide gives a little talk...

Talking of home, our dog sitter sent us an update on Archie's holiday, with a photo of him spread out on a lap, legs akimbo.

PS An elephant towel today!

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