The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Stuck between my teeth? Really?

It was a funny old day. All started well... awesome early morning training, I was on fire doing dead lifts with a 32kg kettle bell and felt strong as a house. Came home, walked the troops, Lottie ran away after a rabbit. Ignored my calls. Big trouble.

I went to work. Say no more. Highlight was watching a 'dance off' at lunchtime, organised by the BTEC Y12 students and performed by the Year 9's. Some awesome attitude as groups danced off against one another...funny funny.

Physio on the way home for my maintanence appointment and he made all my muscles long again. Such a pleasure-pain feeling. Pain at the time, pleasure after the hour is up! Came home, walked the troops ON LEADS and munched grub.

Playtime...Pip is utterly obsessed with her blue ball. I caught her 'talking' to it earlier, she is a funny little fruit. Weather is desperate to rain after a day of 26.5 degrees. We need it to break the mugginess. I can't believe I just typed that...we need rain?!?!

Two days until the weekend and I am ready for it's arrival. I'm pooped mentally but physically I think I have more in the tank!!!

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