Buccleuch Street

More Ghost Cigs from the archives.

Whilst I had my week away of Stepford Wife reprogramming carried out in a secure location in Napa Valley, I couldn't get any Cigs so I'm posting a few that I got fleeting glimpses of before they vanished into the ether.

I drove past this one on the 16th January; I shot this one as we drove past; I went back for a more considered look on the 31st January (whilst tying it in with a lunch date - and yes - I'm sad enough to take Cigs locations into account when discussing where she wants me to take her for our romantic rendezvous...) and it had gone.

A shame; as I loved the circle / square vibe going one; perfect for a shot from across the street.

But alas, it was not to be. Sill, lunch was tasty....

Another lilac / early Jan 15 one. Capitals / vertical / no adornment.

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