My changing life

By Shelley2011


Last night melody woke 3am boiling hot crying and coughing- stripped her off, calpoled her and latched her on and she settled. Then we were up early as we had carpet cleaner man here first thing. Melody came in the shower with me and trapped her finger in the door :( she had bruised nail instantly - more calpol for that
Then we sling walked to Stoke round the charity shops and to the doctors. I bought the first ateps vtech walker that she had been using the day before for £3 :) Then home for lunch and melody had a nap - and whilst she napped I made pasta bake - then to see julies new house - really lovely so big - birdcage farm - then to gran and grandads where she showed off her walking! Then the calpol must have worn off as she started getting really hot and floppy and grizzly :( - came home - more calpol - and she was fine again hr later - So we went to waterbabies and all good. Usually I'm not a calpol fan due to the crap in it and try and use a non branded cheap one as they don't contain the crap - melody now refuses these but opens up lovely for calpol - even then I try and let her body temp raise a bit for short period as this is bodys way of fighting baddies so best to let it try and do it's thing but today she needed it - bless her she loves it - baby crack we call it here

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