Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

This is Bo.

We've had a lovely day over in Hondon with our friends John and Angie. We met them 11 years ago in our local chinese, they were at the table opposite us and were discussing buying a house in Quesada. We struck up a conversation, they bought a house and we became good friends.

Unfortunately for them John's two sons and families also came over but they had no work, so John set up a building firm and it was doing very well, he then handed the firm over to the two sons and guess what it went ´belly up`. The sons and their families did a runner back to the UK leaving debts, and no forwarding addresses, John and Angie have had to sort the mess out,as John was a guarantor to the business. They are still paying off the debts.

They sold the house in Quesada, and bought a finca in Hondon about 40 minutes from us, it´s a lovely spanish village. They bought Bo as a 10 week old puppy, she is now 9 years old and a very gentle dog.

We might take Sarah, Coz and James over for a visit in the summer, as I'm sure John and Coz would find a great deal to talk about, as John is (was) a master builder, he's actually done work for Prince Charles at Highgrove and he has some wonderful tales to tell.

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