A most wonderful gift

It has been a busy but uneventful day today so no topical blip.
I thought I would share this with you instead. My Nan bough me this for my birthday not that long ago. When she first gave it to me I thought it was a bit of an odd present to give me a China parcel but I thought well just humour her. Then I read the card. It says.
This is a very special gift
That you can never see
The reason it's so special is
It's just for you from me.

Whenever you are lonely
Or even feeling blue 
You only have to hold this gift
and know I think of you

You never can unwrap it
Please leave the ribbon tied
Just hold the box close to your heart
It's filled with love inside.

If you knew my nan you would know she is not the sentimental type. This is so out of character I was so touched it was all I could do not to burst into tears. It even makes me well up when I read it now.
I hope you are all loved as much as I am I am a very lucky girl.

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