Swan Attack
While I was taking this photo after going to the supermarket, there was a sudden loud flapping of wings as a swan rushed up and attacked me. I hadn’t even been near the swan which was in the lake about 100 metres away but some well behaved teenagers had just passed it so presumably I was an easy target as they had already crossed the road. It was very aggressive and I now have a very sore head where it hit me. Fortunately a car stopped and a man helped to ward off the attack, whereupon it started to hit him hard. He rescued my shopping bags which the swan had trampled on and I quickly hurried away and he leapt in his car. The local swans have been my blips in the past and I have been able to get close to them with no trouble although I have not gone close to a nest. I know swans are capable of breaking a man’s leg and it was really frightening but more so as I hadn’t been near it or the lake.
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