
By Mindseye

Listing in the Lune

After yesterday's garden grafting we decided to take a break from it today and get out and about. We chose to visit a couple of places within an hour or so's drive of home, that we had never been to before. Firstly we went to Glasson Dock, which sits on th edge of the Lune Estuary up towards Lancaster. This shot demonstrate the poor air quality we have been experiencing over the last day or two.....it looks decidedly hazy! Before I took this shot I had added a filter, from a wallet that contains a set of four.......and unbeknown to me, as I slotted it back into the side compartment of my camera bag, I must have missed, and it fell to the ground! We walked for quite a way up the estuary path, then crossed over and walked up the canal towpath and back, before stopping for lunch in a little cafe overlooking the dock itself. As we were walking back to the car, a chap and his wife stopped us, on noticing my camera presumably, and asked if had lost a black wallet? He had found my filters on the floor beside the walkway, and brought them back to the car park and placed them on top of the ticket machine. How lucky was I today !!!:-)

After thanking them we then drove to a place called Knott End, which sits just opposite Fleetwood, looking at the map. We walked along the path beside the sea, then found ourselves by the Coastguards HQ, sat and had an ice cream whilst watching the 3pm ferry bringing people across from Fleetwood. As it was casting off, we noticed a lady, probably in her 60s, walking as fast as she was able down the ramp, then she started to run a little, it was obvious she wanted the return ferry......we were urging her to hurry up and for the captain not to cast off without her! The horn sounded, and we thought that was it, she had missed it, and would have an hours wait, but no, they held it up for her, how good was that!

It's days like today that restore your faith in people, after displays honesty and consideration for others.

A lovely day all round.

That's another week gone, quizzing again tonight. Oh, I forgot to say, we came second last week ;-)

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