Not a good description for me today.
Parental shame dictates that I must disclose that I woke at 10.30 with my iphone (alarm clock) on my face. The kids were not in their beds, and a note on the kitchen table told me they had managed to leave for school on time (a neighbour drives them on a Tuesday). And so I spent the day flooded with guilt and hangover. Not a good combination.
Regardless, we farewelled our friends with lunch and hugs and then both collapsed for naps. I am now officially never again allowed to mock TallGirl for sleeping through her alarm. (Mr B seems to be spared this guilt. How does that work?)
Anyway, these super-bright and prolific flowers illuminate each spring here. About 10 of these huge blowsy blooms sprout from a tiny plant and require almost no care at all. My kind of flower.
Edit: Forgot to add, that the main activity this evening was booking Mr B on a flight to London tomorrow (Weds) for a suddenly arranged meeting, and booking a hotel.
And then unbooking it all when it transpired that the lovely folk at Ryanair had booked him on a flight they already knew was cancelled due to the French air traffic control strike. Grrr. The only option left to him by this point was to drive to Spain for a flight, which seemed ridiculous. So the meeting is postponed until next week, when there is another air traffic control strike and he will be driving to Spain for a flight... (Four hours in the wrong direction. He would nearly be at the channel by then if he drove north...)
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