The Travellist's journal

By TheTravellist

Byron Bay

I got a two-hour bus from Brisbane to Byron Bay, checked in to a basic hostel a few meters from the beach, where I sat enjoying the sound of the ocean. I instantly felt at home here. I went to see a friend who I last saw in Thailand three years ago, who now lives in Byron and got some tips. I bought some beers and went back to the hostel.

As I was putting the beers in the fridge, two British girls (Ellie & Megan) walked in who I'd spent the day with tubing in Laos exactly a month before. We all did a double-take in shock, had a little catch up and planned to meet later in the evening. I signed up to a BBQ at the hostel, a surprisingly good burger for $6.

The girls joined me and we got through a fair amount of wine before going to a small (but packed) club in town called Woody's. The town is tiny enough that we walked back to the hostel during the night to drink more of our wine rather than pay the extortionate club prices. It's always so nice seeing people again, especially when they're lovely!

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