Laments the World

Kip Hanrahan - Make Love 2

I have so many things that I want to say, but no point in saying it. Just neurons firing off randomlly without purpose.

For whatever reasons, movies are a primary passion of mine, but since moving to Japan that has slowly been slipping away from me, as I have better things to do with my time instead of spending two hours or so over-analysing a movie without purpose. When I look back to roughly calculate the amount of time spent watching films, it just looks like a big waste of time. Walking through a video library in this country, especially when the covers are set on their sides instead of their front, it just seems so boxed in (ie. film plots, styles, etc. seem to be repeated over and over again). I've seen a bunch of movies and I categorise them in my head in my own way, but then realise that the amount of films I want to see won't stop and won't do so until everything ends. I don't make films, I've always wanted to, but there's really no point spewing my opinions about it. A saga of films meaning the world to some mean nothing to others. Trying to convey my own personal importance of a film to another is quite meaningless, especially since nobody shares the EXACT same values. Films I like and love are loathed by others.

Anyway, when I often lose hope with cinema or want to stop wasting time watching films to do more productive things like studying a language, or helping others with their problems, I pick up a film and it picks me back up and I'm inspired to live passionately again.

Sometimes one film can make that big pile of time wasted into a mountain of gold.

The films in question are Stranger than Paradise by Jim Jarmusch and Body Double by Brian De Palma.

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