
By Mindseye

Old Pond and Lake House

We have driven over the little bridge between the Old Pond and the Lake House in Wrightington many many times, but I have never had the opportunity to photograph it, because there is always too much traffic....... well, until today that is:-) As usual, I had my camera at the ready, just in case there was a gap in the traffic! Hub was driving...... there is nothing behind us so I can slow right down he said; and sure enough we were able to almost come to a standstill on the bridge! I fired off half a dozen shots......needless to say, most of them were not sharp, but this is passable I think. I would really love living here!

We had been out towards Ormskirk to our favourite market garden (again) and on the way back we stopped off at our favourite little cafe (again)! We sat outside in the sunshine and enjoyed a coffee and a scone, it was bliss!

The afternoon has been spent grafting in the garden.......the beds that have been weeded are now topped up with soil and manure.
I potted up the newest rhodedenrum, a nice variegated leaf, with bright cerise flowers to come. Replanted the alpine sink trough that we have under the front window too today.

More work to do in the shaded border, maybe tomorrow, but then again, we might get out for a few hours tomorrow and leave that until Friday............life is like a box of chocolates ;-)

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