"Who, me?"

You've got to giggle at him, that look, oh my Louie, you're such a delightful little bird!  And yes, you!!

I photographed tulips today, a bee, the leafing crab apple tree and the first whitebell (in the same patch as the native bluebells I planted a few years back, I seemed to have acquired a whitebell in amongst them too!) but Louie as ever stole the shot...!  To be fair, it's still early, there's very little around, and what is around is too flighty and nervous as there's nowhere to hide and even though the sun shone today, it was a little windy!

I had a run this morning but kept being distracted, by a peacock butterfly leading the way down the lane, another swallow flying over, wrens building nests with moss in their beaks flitting from hedgerow branch to another and a skylark singing above me... how can you run and miss all that?! ;) xxx

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