Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

Easter Bunnies!

Happy Easter from the Pinks!

Our day started fairly early considering the lateness of my personal bedtime! But Mr Pink and I managed another hour in bed drinking tea while the minis did their egg hunt. I'm so pleased I made the effort last night!! They really enjoyed it and were pleased with their treasure!
We went to church for the family communion Service. The children enjoyed putting the flowers on the metal cross and it looked stunning at the end. Master Pink spent most of the service eyeing up where the eggs had been hidden around the church so that he could swoop in quickly on them as soon as the choir had processed out!
In the afternoon we went to my Godparent's house for our traditional Easter Sunday get together. My Godfather is very unwell at the moment and it was brought home to me how bad things are. He had gone awol when we first arrived, which had us all worried. It suddenly seems very real that those in the generation of family above us, are starting to get older and less able.
Easter Sunday wouldn't be complete without chocolate eggs, and I can safely say my two did very well at that aspect. Chocolate for breakfast, dinner and tea. Why not?!

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