Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

Little loons

Aprils fools day you say?! Well it was more like April-I'm-the-fool day! I'll explain later.

So this morning I picked up my friend's children for an all day play date. Their mum is unwell at the moment so we're all pitching in to help with the kiddies. Master A and Miss A are almost the same age as my mini pinks and so they get on well.
We spent the morning doing craft and sting Xbox etc, we made Easter cakes, and had lunch. At lunch time we decided we'd head to the cinema as our plans for the farm were scuppered slightly by the wind. Well that was fine, I booked the tickets for us and my neighbours. As we drove to the cinema I had a horrid thought that I'd booked too few tickets. I checked when we got there and I had! So I bought two more. We (all 9 of us) went to go into the cinema, and they asked us if we have our 3D glasses. Hey? I booked a 2D film. Nope it was a 3D film. My Godson can't watch 3D films because of his eyes. So off we go to the desk again, and all credit to the cinema staff, we exchanged our cinema tickets for a showing in an hour! I'm definitely an April Fool!!
After the cinema we went to McD's as it was now too late to get pizza cooked for everyone. The kids didn't complain though!

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