Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

Underneath the Arches....

I really regretted not having the big camera and fatty lens with me this morning as we spent a lot of time surrounded by the most amazing Industrial Revolution-era architecture.

It was wonderful to see the canal in its industrial home, even if the traffic on it now is largely for pleasure. It was also fascinating to see a side of Birmingham that I've never seen before.

We met some interesting characters such as Wayne and soaked up the sunshine with a pub lunch before heading out towards the University, where we stopped to soak up some culture at the Barber Institute before continuing to pootle along to classical music.

Spent the night moored in a lovely bit of rural prettiness (which I failed to photograph)

I'm still processing some of the photos I took, but have put a few for now on http://500px.com/meltingman

Much better in large

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