Definitely Visible

By allieballie

Through the arched window

I love gatehouses. J says that when he's rich he's going to buy a mansion and I can live in its gatehouse. I can also come up to the big house every day for my breakfast. I hope he doesn't have a long table with domed silver salvers containing devilled kidneys or kedgeree. I'll be staying in my gatehouse eating my Cheerios if so.

There's a pair of gatehouses on a back road to Dunning which I have passed a few times. Sadly they appear to have been left for the elements and nature to take over. However, there are still enough features on them to allow your imagination to picture how beautiful they must have been in their prime. These arched pillared windows, and some columns with ornamental niches in them. Don't think I'm ever going to be living in one of these gatehouses though.

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