My little helper

My brother came over on my day off today instead of at Easter so we could go to a particular Swedish store which is best known by everyone for its self-assemble furniture because I needed some shelving units to expand my storage space downstairs, as well as a chair so sit on my balcony when I'll be recovering from the operation on my left foot in a couple of weeks time. As you can see, Rosie insisted on helping me.

Rosie normally is my subject on Fridays but I'm also blipping her today because I needed most of the time after I got home to assemble/carry downstairs/fill my new shelving units. I probably won't have much time to look for something interesting tomorrow either, as I most likely will have to work late and I also have to make an appointment with my GP for later in the day to have some tests done which are needed for my operation.

A big thank you for all the comments and stars on yesterday's Gecko blip.

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