Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Crummock Water

Had a spare few hours this afternoon so took Misty to Crummock Water.  I was expecting it to be very busy, but it wasn't.  There were more people about as we were leaving though.  I lost count of how many children Misty wrapped around her paws by getting them to throw stones in the water for her to chase :)   If I remember rightly Bonnie had the same trait :)  Anyhow we had quite a long walk up to Low Ling Crag which is that small mound jutting into the lake.   I was hoping to sit there for a while and have a snack but it was quite cold and windy so had to find somewhere else.  Oh and the fell in the middle is Rannedale Knotts. 

I think I missed a beautiful sunset tonight, could see it going down through a hedge in the field behind me.

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