Sumburgh Farm and Sumburgh Hotel

It's not been much of a day.  Showers for the most of it but it has brighten up this evening a bit and this mist on the hills has lifted a peerie bit. 

I've been in the museum office today and working with photo orders and updating the archives with the info gathered over the weekend.  I managed a walk into town this morning to pick up an order and it did remain dry for the duration of my walk :) 
After work I headed down to Sumburgh to see if any puffins had arrived yet.  The RSPB officer said he spotted a few on Friday but not see any today, oh well, I'll have to come back another day :)
Off to work in the pub again tonight.

It wasn't much of a walk up to a wet and windy Sumburgh Head but Sammy enjoyed the chasing the rabbits :)  On the way down, you pass the old Sumburgh Farm.  I do love this building, even with it's horrible tenants centuries ago, Earl Patrick Stewart.  The Sumburgh Hotel just behind, then on to Scatness and Fitful Head with the mist hanging over.

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