Easter Sunday
There are so many tragedies in our world, so much pain and suffering, and my greatest comfort at Easter is the incredible proof of God's love and care for us seen in Jesus sacrifice on the cross, and the power of God seen in his resurrection. The celebration of Easter was made much more poignant for me this year given Thursday's massacre of students in Kenya. I work for the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students, which connects Christian student movements around the globe. One of our national movements is Focus (Fellowship of Christian Unions) Kenya. This is a post from their Facebook page about what happened:
We can confirm that the Christian union members in a prayer meeting in Garissa University College were among the first targets of the terrorist attack. It appears most of whom died. They have gone to be with the Master whom they loved and served. We pray for strength for the relatives as they seek to identify bodies, and rest them in peace. Shalom.
It's hard to find words, so I will borrow those of colleague, Penny. I hope she won't mind, but she puts it so well:
These are the students I work for: these ones not ashamed to say they were Christians and ready to die for it, these ones caught in that subversive act of prayer, these ones who seemed to have no choice when faced with death. I work for these followers of Jesus, the Jesus who lived in solidarity with the despised and rejected, who chose suffering and death in order to bring life. These were my brothers and sisters - I grieve with those who are left behind.
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