Peter Kavanagh's

Sometimes I'm very busy at work and sometimes I'm really not, which averages out to a point that I'm certainly not complaining about but given the unpredictable nature of quite when I'm going to be thoroughly occupied - or otherwise - it can make planning time off a bit tricky. 

Today, for example, I'd planned to take the afternoon off and there was a short period this morning when I thought it really wasn't going to happen but, happily, everything fell into place and I was able to drive down to Chorley, pop in to a local café to say hi to the Minx and Dom, before catching the train from Euxton into Liverpool.

My old chum Bob was kind enough to pick me up from Lime Street and we set off to find somewhere to have a few drinks before going to get something to eat. We ended up here, at Peter Kavanagh's. Despite three years at university in Liverpool and numerous visits back since, I've never even heard of this pub, let alone visited.

Suffice to say, it is my new favourite pub in Liverpool. Loads of wood panelling and little rooms, and, serendipitously, exactly the kind of place where I'd like to spend an afternoon drinking with a good friend. And after that, we headed down to Bob's latest restaurant, Miss Kitty's, which I recently visited with the Minx, for some more of their wonderful food. It was a good day off :-)

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