Dolly making merit

We went for a traditional Thai massage this morning, two hours of being pummelled and pulled in every direction! It was incredibly relaxing, we all needed it after our busy week! After that we went to a Wat to make merit! Firstly Stef, Phil and I did a wee ceremony where we were blessed by a monk, I have a wee bracelet I have to keep on for three days! Then there is the option to make further merit by releasing animals! The monks rescue the animals from the food markets and you make a small donation and pick one to set free! Lewis and I chose these doves, whilst Stef and Phil chose frogs! It was a really nice feeling to set them free! Just getting ready to go for the overnight train to Bangkok at 5pm! We've got two first class cabins with air conditioning booked, which is just as well as its 43c today!

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